In terms of GP weaponry, my favourite gun would have to be the L96A1 Sniper Rifle.
It almost always kills in one shot and is both accurate and good for no scoping. A very skilled L96A1 user is a force to be reckoned with
If you ever enter a "Sniper Only" battle, the only sniper rifle you want to bring in is the L9 (excluding NX weapons). Sniper-only rooms are abundant with no-scopers and campers and, if they have an L9 and you have any other sniper rifle that won't kill with a single bullet, you're kidding yourself. Also, the L9 can be a very reliable primary weapon (you need skill for this but
) if you can't afford two weapons, as it's no-scoping capabilities are good for close range and it's accuracy is good for long range (AND it usually one-hit kills!).
Overall, the L96A1 is a powerful and intimidating weapon, and is well worth its price
It also requires little skill to use for basic sniping purposes, but more advanced techniques (pro no-scoping, quick shot, use as a primary weapon etc.) need to be trained before you can truly become an L9 pro